Jesus take the wheel.

Take it all in. Write down the parts you can share.

Thanks, Nancy.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Thanks again for the We Stand Divided rec. just started it last night and it’s such a fresh perspective (to me). Love his writing, too. I’m in that in between generation where my parents revered the Israel of the founders and I was seeing the occupation of Gaza and the WB take its toll. Now I’m seeing the rise of the Progressive Left in the US turn vicious against Israel and it’s pushing me more protective/defensive of Israel. It’s a weird place to be.

At the risk of seeming like a stalker, I don’t have a twitter account but I went on to see the comments on your posts. I saw Yael mention the Lion’s Den, the new militia group operating out of Nablus. I recently read this piece about them in the Christian Science Monitor (of all places) and thought it was great -- very balanced. Wanted to share while you’re still there https://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/amphtml/World/Middle-East/2022/1027/In-the-Lion-s-Den-What-a-new-militia-offers-young-Palestinians

Loving these briefs! Thanks for sharing as you go along.

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