Pictures tell a story, too, thanks. I can already tell from T2 yesterday, and these photos, that I don't know much about what's going on there.

Makes me think of a question for you (and Sarah, too, maybe for a future Smoke 'Em) -- how do you keep notes for the stories you want to tell but can't write yet -- voice memos, jotted down notes in a notebook or a device, or maybe a variety.

Safe travels.

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I take notes, in a 4 x 8 reporter's pad. If I am writing an article, or an interview, I will for sure transcribe them within 24 hours, usually sooner, because you recall all kinds of other stuff (not quotes) that you can use. The Israel pieces so far as impressionistic so I won't transcribe but I will read over today's. I also take pictures and sometimes record. I always record interviews, and if they are longer than 10 minutes, I send the file off to be transcribed rev.com because I am a three-finger typist (middle and thumb on right hand, index on left)

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Thank you, that's interesting. Had never heard of rev.com, looks like a good solution. BTW the voice memos app on a phone is pretty easy to use. My primary years working as a programmer were in the 80s and speech recognition seemed like a very hard problem back then -- now it's everywhere and pretty darn good for so many things.

re: typing -- did you really not learn touch typing?? It would just seem like such an obvious thing for a writer. I took typing in 8th grade (admittedly more girls than boys in that class) and I got pretty good at it; long before I knew I'd be putting it to great use programming computers.

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Next time someone asks me my religion, I'm going to say Catalan and see how they react.

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It's a trend!

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