It is much worse and darker.

DPA, in full coordinated plans with the e DPO set a plan into place to deceive Oregonians, already tenderized to see almost any drug crime as a victimless and largely harmless :status offense: They cleverly used language like "decriminalization" to mask the true nature to what their vassals in the legislature - Prozanski, Liber, Brown, Kotek, and now Kropf - the complete legalization of all controlled substances, from valium at the bottom to fentanyl, the most terrifying substance, which (like all the frugs) have narrow legitimate medical uses in tightly controlled medical environments).

HB 4002 does not allow arrests. It does not allow fines, But when participants fail, the people patting themselves on the hood will be the Democratic majority.

After four years by any possible analysis Measure 110 has been an unmitigated disaster:

1) Drug ODs are up 1550% in Oregon, the highest by far of any state (the pro-druggies "whataboutism" is confined to how awful West Virginia is and that in terms of absolute number of overdoses.

2) Truly insane hundreds of shrink wrapped millions were thrown around in exactly the same way the US Army directed shrink wrapped millions to ostensibly ani-Saddam groups in the aftermath of 9/11 on the theory of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

3) Careful precautions were taken to avoid groups with actual experience in drug treatment on the street level. Instead we got million dollar projects like Medford's $1 million-plus "Stabbin Wagon," proudly dedicated to prison abolition and making sure the best possible fentanyl/heroin injection experience.

Those of us with family members who remember the excruciating experience of addicts who took the hard decision to stop using, whether help by MAT (Medically Assisted Treatment) or the tougher road of cold turkey.

The difference is that those addicts, the users who had been choosing to introduce the often painful and more likely effective MAT have increased their chances for both a meaningful life after addiction and surviving to celebrate their 1st, 5th and more successful drug-free anniversaries.

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A thriving economy gives stable bank accounts but more importantly the will to live. Some (I included) know this without learning the corrupt DC hard way.

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