Maybe it’s because my mother’s death is so fresh in my mind that I don’t have patience for people kidding themselves about what’s going on. But what’s so dismaying to me is the number of people who I know to be honest, courageous, and level-headed in a personal crisis going into a reality-denying meltdown in a political crisis.

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I agree with much of what you say. But I do not agree that “everyone knows” that he will not be the nominee. I think that what this episode has revealed is that American society is in the grips of a profound social sickness that makes the denial of reality possible for some, even when that reality is obvious to a great many of the rest of us.

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Or he could be re-elected, serve slightly more than two years as he has for the last 4, and Kamala Harris could be the first person to serve ten years as president since FDR. Gavin Newsome supports him and so do all of the Democratic governors. Biden was sick and tired. He should have cancelled or postponed the debate. The only tragedy here is that his opponent is a narcissistic, power addict.

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