Make More Pie
Make More Pie
Hot Chicks, Cold Takes: "When Have I Ever Done This?"

Hot Chicks, Cold Takes: "When Have I Ever Done This?"


Liz Wolfe (associate editor at Reason) and I hop back into the studio to discuss Liz's recent grilling on Twitter over people accusing her of saying things she never said, the collective effervescence people experience from hating the same person or thing, huzzahs for the journalists who keep talking about what you're not (huh?) supposed to talk about (Katie Herzog! Sarah Hepola!), and the idea that garbage cancel campaigns bother us all the more because we stake our reputations on getting facts right, rather than slinging a lot of third-hand ephemeral bullshit and retreating into the "blocked!" hidey-hole. Tune in!


Liz Wolfe’s supposedly controversial tweets

Emma Sarley/Frederick Joseph dog park confrontation (NY Post)

Sarah Hepola: The Things I'm Afraid to Write About (The Atlantic)

"But Donald, you've lost the newsroom." (Donald McNeil Jr. Medium post)

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Make More Pie
Make More Pie
Posts on Portland, New York, media, murder, culture - conflict and the fun stuff - and pie, both literal and figurative. Come on in