Hey Nancy, I think your zoom meeting link is set up for your account. Like, its the link someone gave to you as a panelist, not the link for general folks. Not sure you want everyone one paneling up on your discussion :D I could be wrong, but thought I would drop a note.

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Ugh. I hate Zoom

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You and me both. But, if one wants to do this kind of stuff its the one everyone seems comfortable with.

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Blaming capital, are we? How very jejune.

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Maybe its just my distance from Portland or the lack of desire to ever live there, but the way it changed since I became aware of it in the 90's (when a bunch of folks from my home town Kalamazoo moved there) seemed almost inevitable to me. If you go to a place that is "up and coming" or "of the moment" that time period will pass. Maybe in this case that arc has been shorter than those in the past where it was more tied to industry, instead of culture or ideology, it still feels to me like the ebb and flow of a city. The idea of moving to a place for the "vibe" for lack of a better word, seems pretty odd to the bulk of people who aren't kids or wealthy or both. It is sad, because we need "weird" places like that here and there, if for no other reason that to be a beacon for the people in our world that just don't fit nicely into their allotted slot in the peg board. But it can't just be a coincidence that Austin, the current darling in the US also has the "Keep Austin Weird" tagline. Seems obvious to me if we check back in in 20-30 years we will be seeing the same thing there. I sure there is a more subtle way to look at it, or someone has said it far clearer than I do. But it all seems pretty self-evident in my narrow world view.

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not able to join meeting

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