Jul 19, 2022Liked by Nancy Rommelmann

Someone very close to me has often said, “Cooking is a way of showing affection without showing actual affection.”

You’re the only other person I’ve ever heard put this into words, although in a different way.

The Bear has been “picked up” for a second season.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Nancy Rommelmann

“Did you know that eggs are considered a binding ingredient? I don’t know how much more metaphorical mothership we get than that, except to say that feeding people is an act of love, you will never convince me otherwise...”

Beautifully put. I’ve been cooking more since covid started, and it’s now one of my most favorite things to do.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Nancy Rommelmann

I watched the first episode, I enjoyed your piece about it more than I liked the show.

I was a cook, too.


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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Nancy Rommelmann


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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Nancy Rommelmann

I love this. My father always fed us. I did feel it was something divine. Rye toast and tea, pancakes, scrambled eggs, chicken soup, ravioli. It was his mission and joy to feed us. I’ll give The Bear a chance now. Thanks

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Thank you for this thoughtful piece. I also just finished watching The Bear. And yes, Richie, the big, broken buffoon has captured my heart as well. I’m so pulling for him!

To veer off topic, I wanted to come here to the comment section to tell you how much I enjoy your writing in general. I’m also a subscriber to Smoke Em if You’ve Got Em and could listen to you and Sarah (intelligently) shoot the shit all day. I find myself in agreement especially with you on practically everything. We're almost exactly the same age, but unlike you, I had my daughter much later in life. She is now a teenager and, like so many teens, she's been bombarded with terrible messaging through social media, school, etc. And, like so many other girls, her mental health has suffered because it. She just narrowly escaped the capture of trans ideology but it has taken hold of many of her friends. From my viewpoint it is incredibly destructive. Anyway, I know this is a topic you and Sarah won’t talk about on Smoke ‘Em, and I understand why. However, I came across the most heartbreaking story (told on video) of a mother, Abigail Martinez, who lost her child to violent suicide after her school’s LGBTQ club and DCFS had her daughter removed from her mother's loving home. There are so many angles and components to this saga. But it’s a story that really needs to be told by a sensitive and brilliant writer like you. Please take a look and consider covering it. Abigail’s speech starts at 20:00


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Sarah Hepola is right -- that first episode is ... intense! and almost too much. I'm going to keep watching because a) I want to see what happens next and b) all of that y'all written and said about it steers me that direction.

From the notes,I really like that guacamole recipe, though I need to back off the jalapenos a bit -- can't handle that much hotness. I grew up with an avocado tree in my backyard but DIDN'T like them until I finally became an adult and came to my senses. Have been making up for it ever since. Thanks!

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