Thank you so much for going there and getting the story that we won’t see elsewhere. Your work and words are valuable.

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I am very grateful RCI sent me.

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Thank you for this reporting. I stayed at the KOA campground in Swannanoa, a site right along the river, back in 2012, so I can try to imagine what it might look like now, not to say what the rest of the town looks like. Just awful.

There's no place that can prepare for 30 inches of rain in a short amount of time. I live about 1/4 mile from the local stream, in very flat central Ohio, and now it's just a trickle thanks to the time of year and the current drought. But if we got 30 inches of rain in just a few days, I would not be surprised to have water in my basement, if not worse. The last really big flood in central Ohio was 1913 (plenty of online references). Where I live now was unsettled in 1913, so I sometimes wonder just how far the Indian Run North Fork spread way back then.

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Thank you for this reporting. Some country folks will appreciate it I think. I can’t help feeling that this area will never be the same in our lifetime. After that it surely will be different. It’s like New Orleans. After Katrina some people were too wore out to rebuild and stay in business. Funny thing is I visited both places 2-3 years before the tragedy . Ouch. I drove I 40 East in my semi and I stayed the night I believe at an Amoco truck stop just west of Asheville NC. I believe this was in Fall of 2021 while I was browsing around inside the truck stop darned if I didn’t find Trump Flags for sale. After the 2020 Election I would never guess Someone would be selling these yet. I bought 2, one even said Trump 2024. It is a beautiful flag and I’m going to fly it next to the American flag I just bought at Home Depot today. Makes me think of that line in Casablanca that Victor Laszlo boldly spoke “You might as well question why we breathe. If we stop breathing, we’ll die. If we stop fighting our enemies, the world will die.” I think the turmoil in the United States going back to September 11 is all about secret technology and how it’s going to be used. If you watch the movie Oppenheimer it will give you a 1940s snippet of how dangerous a primitive non-compartmentalized power pyramid can be. This technology as powerful as a nuke but so much safer in the collective “We the people’s” control. After all we did and will be paying for it. Every day you buy something or go to work. Nearly everything is taxed and much of them Federal that we don’t even realize. See if you can find a documentary called From Freedom to fascism. Had several parts with Charlton Heston in it and it showed most non income taxes. The script rolled and rolled on tv screen for about 5 minutes. It’s massive but so is “In God we trust” I think documentary was banned by Government it was on Democracy Now in early 90s I believe.

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