Cross-posted from Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em podcast. Discussed:
First Sunday Zoom
Earthquake. Steve Kornacki.
Eclipse mania
Jennifer Senior wins award, keeps kicking ass
“Harmonica virgins”
Sarah’s new car, picture for paid subscribers only
Lessons of
“The True Cost of the Church Going Bust,” by Derek Thompson (Atlantic)
The Matt Welch
Everyone meets at Paloma/Nancy’s apartment
“My Mom Has No Friends,” by Monica Corcoran Harel (The Cut)
Sarah’s first act of civil disobedience
“Nut pick” definition
The Journalist and the Murderer, by Janet Malcolm
Ed Piskor Comics Beat
Don’t give me a gun and tell me not to use it.”
Bananas bananas bananas
The best musical of all musicals told at the twilight of the American experiment
131. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Internet